How to Change Twitter Username on Android | JossTechno

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How to Change Twitter Username on Android

JossTechno, How to Change Twitter Username on Android - Twitter was founded by Jack Dorsey in 2006. That means, social media bearing the bird's name is 13 years old.

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At this very mature age, of course the Twitter users have reached hundreds of millions more. Even in a report said, if there are 126 million Twitter active users every day during 2018.

When compared to other social media, the number of Twitter users is included as a bit of growth because Twitter rarely makes new features that can spoil its users.

However, it seems that this is indeed a Twitter strategy, because they once said that they prioritize long-term stability rather than the growth in the number of users.

Speaking of user problems, many of the Twitter users have account names that are different from the user's name or username. The account name and username should be the same because it will look more professional.

However, it is not a necessity because the most important thing is that the username is easy to remember and is not difficult to pronounce.

If at this time your Twitter username is not the same as the account name or maybe the pronunciation is too difficult, then you can edit it via your smartphone. Do you know how? If not, please refer to the tutorial below.

Step How to Change Twitter Username on Android:

1. Open the Twitter application on your smartphone.

2. Tap the profile photo located in the upper left corner, then select settings and privacy.
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3. Tap account → username.
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4. Please change username → complete.
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5. Here are the results.
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6. Finish.

For username problems, it's a bit complicated because we can't easily equate it with the account name because sometimes the username has been used by other users.

If this is the case, the solution that we can take is to create a username that still contains the account name even though it must add letters, numbers or underscore.

Thus the tutorial on how to change Twitter username on Android. May be useful.

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