9 Simple Rectangular Hijab Tutorial Is Suitable For Those Who Learn To Wear Hijab | JossTechno

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9 Simple Rectangular Hijab Tutorial Is Suitable For Those Who Learn To Wear Hijab

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JossTechno - Lately there have been many adult Muslim women who have decided to cover their hair with a hijab. For those who are just learning to wear hijab, it might be a bit complicated in how to wear, fashion adjustments. But take it easy, as time goes by you will also get used to it. Moreover, hijab has now become a fashion trend in Indonesia, so you don't need to worry about your appearance when wearing hijab.

Likewise with other challenges that are often faced by the hijabers, namely matters of comfort and hair care. Not infrequently the hijaber feels hot and the hair smells musty because all day wearing a hijab. However, now you don't need to worry, because there is already a solution for you to overcome this.

You can use the 3-in-1 Perfect Cool Shampoo and Rejoice 3-in-1 Rejoice product range Perfect Conditioning Conditioner.

Shampoo and conditioner with the right formula can help treat and provide freshness for the hair behind your hijab. In addition, get coolness from dawn to evening and the smell of Kasturi flowers throughout the day.

Well, for those of you who are just learning hijab, surely you want a simple and not complicated hijab design, right? Now this time Brilio.net has gathered from various sources, Tuesday (28/5), a rectangular hijab tutorial that you can try for various occasions. See below!

1. Simple style like this, only with 6 steps you can look beautiful.
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2. Simply wearing a Paris square hijab, you can be more stylish when you hang out.
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3. Give a brooch accent on your plain rectangular hijab, you can stay stunning even though wearing a plain veil.
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4. Eh, who uses quadrilateral can't appear syar'i and closes the chest? You can try this hijab style. Sat set ... so what!
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5. To be varied, try also satin satin hijabs for semi-formal events.
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6. Don't hesitate to wear a hijab with floral motifs.
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7. Waking up late and don't want to use hijab? It's really simple, use this method!
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8. A square hijab can also really make a formal event. You can apply this one style.
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9. Want OOTD with celebrity style? Can try this one hijab style.
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